Thursday, February 19, 2009


What We Wear
There is no doubt that the clothes people choose to wear ends up being something about them that is judged. There are many stereotypes out there based off of peoples styles, like; “gothic,” “preppy,” “tomboy,””emo” and many others. In some cases these stereotypes can be unfair, but I do feel that what people wear can tell us something about the person. People choose what they wear, and most of the time the clothes they wear makes a statement about them.
Everywhere you go, there will be people that express themselves differently and have very interesting styles. If you walk around campus you will see many styles, people wearing pajamas to class, people dressing in suits and nice dresses, and the typical jeans and sweatshirt look. The clothes we wear can definitely be perceived as many different things. I believe things that people wear can definitely tell us something about the person, like if someone is wearing all packers sportswear one-day, it is fair to say that they are a packers fan. Along with that, I think if someone is wearing a long black trench coat and big leather boots, they are trying to express themselves differently than the majority of people would dress. I may agree with people when they say don’t judge someone on what they wear, but I can also go against that because people do choose the clothes they wear and understand the impressions they give off by whatever style they choose. I think people who choose to dress a lot different than the “norm” are trying to be noticed by others as being different. If they didn’t want the focus added to them they would just try to blend with the majority of the people, I respect people who dress differently and think it would take a lot of courage to wear some of the outfits I have seen.
Something we hear many times is the line, “dress to impress” and it definitely has a place in this society. The ways people dress can create both positive and negative assumptions about them. For example, if someone chooses to wear a suit or nice dress around it can show they are serious about something they are dressing for. Along with that if someone is walking around in ratty pajama pants and a torn up t-shirt it may be fair to say that person doesn’t care what others think about them, or that they just woke up.
As we all know job interviews are based off of many first impressions and the way one chooses to dress for one can tell an employer a lot about their personality. People realize that job interviews are based greatly off first impressions. The way we dress can definitely help out the cause. Earlier in this semester I had a 2 hour class all about professional appearance for my business degree. The main focus of the class was to explain to us that we only get one first impression and they gave us many options for dressing nice in order to look as marketable as possible to employers.
After thinking in depth, about what clothes says about a person, I can say that it offers a look into that persons character, and can actually tell us a lot. Like I stated earlier, people choose what they wear, and I feel clothes are a way for some people to really express themselves as an individual.

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