Thursday, February 26, 2009

Out of Comfort Zone-Dress Up

The clothing I chose to wear was just a really bright pink T-shirt. I am not the type of guy who likes to wear pink, therfore it fit the role of taking me out of my comfort zone. I didnt want to go too far overboard, because I didnt want people making up false assumptions about me. For example, like the example wearing makeup, (wasnt even a thought to do that) I wouldnt want to walk around all day and be known as the guy who wore makeup by people who didnt know why I was doing it.
I actually wasn't treated differently by my peers, I think it is because some guys do wear pink. It just wasnt something I liked to do, but I dont recall my friends saying anything until I told them what I was doing. I know for sure my friends in highschool would have given me crap for wearing the bright pink shirt, as a joke, but maybe its just because I knew them better.
Like I said, I didnt hear anything about my clothing, but I am sure some of the kids in our class heard some laughs or whispers about what they were wearing.
I can still say that clothes have alot to do with someones personality. We wore our flashy clothes for a class, therefore that obviously doesnt represent the persons actual style or personality, but it was more of a joke. I feel it is fair to say that clothes do have alot to do with a person, because people do choose what they wear. I dont think that saying clothes can say alot about a person should be negative thing as some might percieve that statement. Rather it is an oppurtunity for people to express themselves and their individual style.

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